Biscuit, whom is now 'Biggie' is a very large and formidable kitty weighing a healthy 10.5 lbs. Biggie arrived to my home immediately after his surgery and was quite nervous and wary of his new surroundings. Within a few hours he was exploring his new home albeit with some hesitation. Once he was recovered from his surgery, he became bolder in his explorations and was soon coming out to the living room to greet me, have a snack, and check out his new housemates. Upon three days of his arrival, Biggie adjusted and became a new, healthy, happy, affectionate kitty. As soon as I enter from my day at work, I can count on Biggie greeting me at the door and looking for some affection time. His favorite thing to do is flop onto my feet, roll on his belly, and purr while I pet his lovely soft, furry coat. He has adjusted to his new surroundings with ease and happiness. Not once have I heard a hiss nor a meow, and I know that Biggie appreciates his new home and his big breakfast each and every morning. He is an absolute joy to be around and I feel completely confident that he will make a fantastic kitty to any new and caring family. He gets along well with other cats and, although initially timid, he very much enjoys the company of any and all caring humans.
Biscuit needs a forever home ASAP, he is presently in foster care. Please contact the Shelter if you are interested in this lovely cat.